Your business occupies two worlds; the real world and the digital world. The real world, where your employees, properties and other physical assets live.

The digital realm is where you keep extremely valuable data, hold confidential meetings and share sensitive information with others. The complexities of modern commerce means security has to consist of more than a simple lock and key. You need an experienced enterprise security solution to keep an eye on everything in both worlds, and Cancom Security Advanced Integration is here to help.

Our complete enterprise security solutions

Having comprehensive enterprise security solutions and services watching over your entire operation is crucial, especially for companies that have multiple offices or locations. Organizations in virtually any industry can depend on us to provide them with an approach that is customized to suit their specific needs no matter what they may be. A few examples of the capabilities we bring to the table include:

Access control:
Ensure only authorized people can go in or out of your facilities with keycards, biometrics and other solutions.

Intrusion detection:
Alarms and other measures can alert you in the event an unauthorized person attempts to enter your property.

Surveillance systems:
Video cameras placed in strategic spots ensure that you won’t have any blind spots anywhere around your properties.

Alarm monitoring:
We can help you rest easier knowing someone is listening for any signs of trouble 24/7.

Systems architecture:
With cloud-enabled enterprise security systems, every element of your protection can be connected and customizable from wherever you are.

No matter how large or small your company is, Cancom Security offers enterprise security solutions and expertise to scale our capabilities to match your requirements. When you choose to work with us, you also can depend on our experts to be there to answer your questions and provide full technical support around the clock, every day of the week.


Our team of technicians is highly trained and experienced in all aspects of enterprise security solutions.

This means we can design, install and maintain your system so you have total protection on all fronts. Our clients know they can expect the best service from us because of our commitment to meeting their needs in every respect. We’re a First Nations-owned company with a strong internal culture of Total Quality Service. It’s no wonder so many companies across Canada continue to put their faith in us.

To learn more about these or any of our other capabilities, reach out and connect with us today or request a quote.